Well Brenda at
did it again. I made her felted
rose. I have never worked with
wool which I always thought
was something scratchy and
I had never felted anything
(on purpose). This is really
easy to do and all I have left
to do is the leaves but have
to wait a few days to get to
town. What you will need to
do is make a row of triangles
and then turn to make the rose.

Ahhhh nice work! What will you do with your rose, once you've finished everything?
I feel like a proud mama! Your rose turned out very nicely. Once you add your leaves you could use filament thread and whip stitch it onto a little comb or hair clasp for a nice little hair adornment.
You are totally braver than I to try felting... this rose looks awesome! After getting that you visited my site today figured I would pay you a return visit.... Imagine my surprise when I got here and went to myself "Wait... I have been here before...." I agree I believe our two dogs would play until their tongues were hanging out... oh wait, Bugsy plays with his tongue out all day!!! I am going to go read some more on your blog now Karen... Tks for the visit, and keep up the good looming! I love the Qwackity by the way... too cute!
Vivian Mc.
Hi westie-mom...
Just love all the looming you have done! I too, love to loom, but haven't ventured out to the blogging world yet, although I might later on this year if I have some time.
I noticed on your old blog that you had made a S-shaped looming board (loved the heart shaped middles ;o), any way, wondered if you might share the pattern for it. And/or let me know where I can get pegs with groves? My dh said he'd try and make me one, so I can make him an afghan, but he needed a little more info. Thanks for your time & help...
It looks great! I really need to make a few up because I want to add them to a couple of hats for my daughter. I just love those little roses.
Dora Renee' Wilkerson
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